Well I believe the terrible threes have arrived a bit early. Although I should have expected that. The terrible twos came early for Hunter also. He has now decided that when we boss him around he in return gets to boss us around. So what ever we tell him to do, or not do he tells us to do or not do that thing also. So for instance, I tell him at lunch the other day that he needs to turn around on his chair and sit down. He then looks at me and tells me, "No. Mom, you sit down." Ah, I am sitting down sonny, I say. I then tell him again to sit down. He repeats for me to sit down, and so on and so forth it goes! It was pretty cute though the other day. Jeff, Hunter and I went out to eat and we let Hunter sit in his own side of the booth. He really enjoyed that and thought he was pretty big. Although he kept standing up and walking around on the bench. So I told him to sit down. He did, but then in about another minute or so he stood up again. I had not said anything to him about sitting down again, yet. He took care of that himself. We hear him say, "Sit down." and he does! It was pretty funny. Maybe soon he will do all his own reprimanding and I won't have to. HAHA.
Hunter is also such a good back seat driver recently. He sits back there telling whoever is driving to, "Go faster. Go faster." No matter if we are going the speed limit already or if we are stopped at a red light. Then the other day the roads were slick and we had to turn at the top of a hill and the light was red. I didn't want to fully stop, so I coasted and saw that it was clear and kept moving and turned. As we are coming to the corner he is in the back seat telling me, "STOP!"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bossy little fella...
Posted by Susie at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
What it's doing
Here is what it is doing outside today! Saturday it rained off and on through out the day. Yesterday it was warmer and has melted some of the snow, with the rain and warmth. Last night it got a little cold again, so was glare ice on the roads. Now this morning since about 7 or so it has been snowing big flakes. So again it looks like a winter wonderland.
Posted by Susie at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Two generations apart....
Two generations apart, but can still connect in the simple reading of a book. Here is a picture of Hunter and great grandpa yesterday after our x-mas brunch at our house. The guys, or should I say boys took the 4 wheelers out yesterday and made in a goal to get them threw the front yard. Which had big embankments and all. It took them about 6 tries, but here is the path they finally made.
Posted by Susie at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
mom's little helper
Today has been a lazy day around here. Jeff worked last night so is sleeping half the day and then is going to attempt to shovel off our roof. We are suppose to get some more snow tonight and is suppose to be heavier. So advised to shovel roofs. Hopefully it's not too slippery up there.
I am including a picture of my little helper today. He wanted to vacuum like I was, so he did.
Yesterday we went to the grocery store to get just a few things. While there we got a sample of carrot cake. Hunter liked it, unfortunatly he got a little bit too over zealous with stuffing it in his mouth. Oh, did I happen to mention he has a great gag reflux?! Well he does. So he starts choking and gagging on this cake until he pukes. Right in the middle of the isle in front of the cash registers. Of course mom's instinct is to put your hand out and try and catch it. WHY?! So puke all in my one hand that I am not carrying groceries in, since of course I only needed a couple of things so don't get a cart or basket! Puke down the front of his jacket and all over the floor. Some nice lady brought us a wad of paper towels. Also this is one of the many reasons why us mothers carry wet wipes in our purses, if we are smart and learned our lesson!
Posted by Susie at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
more snow
Yesterday and today we have gotten about another foot of snow! This time it is heavier and not so fluffy.
Today we went to the gym and then Wal-mart to get groceries. My oh my, it was quite a chore getting groceries today. The shopping cart was not invented to go in about 6 inches of snow, wither it be packed or not! I think someone needs to invent a device that you can put your shopping cart on to go through the snow. Something resembling skis or a sled. Guess maybe that is what I should do to make it rich! I'm sure I could come up with something!
Today we were driving in the pickup and Hunter asked is it raining? Because I had the windshield wipers on, I think. I told him, no it is snowing again. He asked why it was snowing. I told him because God was making it. He asked why. I told him I did not know, but I think it is because God likes to watch all of us trying to drive in it and laugh. He wasn't sure what to say to that. I just laughed. I have heard it said many a times that God has a sense of humor. I believe it!
Hunter's new words the last couple of days have been; lady or ladies, uh oh, self, and oh no.
Posted by Susie at 3:28 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Playing around
Hunter is pretending to sleep on the floor with dad. Neither one of them were really sleeping. Hunter wouldn't lay still long enough for anyone to fall asleep by him!
Here he is eating a snack and goofing around.
Posted by Susie at 8:59 PM 1 comments
King of the hill
Here are some more pictures of fun in the snow. Hunter has really enjoyed playing in the snow. Yesterday he went out 3 times to play. The last time we made a big hill in the back yard and he went sledding. He also liked to climb it and then just fall down or roll down it.
Today we didn't play out in the snow much. We went shopping instead. We went to Sportsman's Warehouse, for the third time. Looking for a pop gun for Hunter. They had one a couple of weeks ago, but the string was a little frayed. So I asked them if they had anymore. They told me no and that they didn't know when they would get anymore in either. Well isn't that just handy! So I went back there a few days later, thinking they should have gotten some more in. No they had not, still didn't know when they would, but their freight comes in on Fridays and here is our business card you can just call us. So today I called them. I called once and found out they were not open yet, but call back in about 10 minutes when they were and someone could help me. Fine I wait 15 minutes and call a second time. They tell me they don't think they got any in, but he will go look upstairs and I can call back in an hour! WHAT! No I am not calling you back! For Pete sake! Needless to say we went shopping shortly after I talked to the guy and we stopped in there. Lo and behold, nope they had not gotten any pop guns in and still not sure when they would. Aargh! Hunter was pretty disappointed too. Poor guy.
Tomorrow we have a potluck for lunch. I made a peach pie! We have 20 some inches of snow, but we have fresh/frozen peach pie! Think I will make some fresh bread to bring too.
Posted by Susie at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
More winter wonderland...
Here are pictures of what we woke up to this morning. Everyone here has been advised to stay home and not drive unless it is an emergency. Needless to say there are still people out there driving, and of course getting stuck all over the place. Hunter and dad, and I had fun playing around on the 4 wheeler!
Posted by Susie at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
dog sitting
Yesterday Hunter was awake at 5 am, needless to say we did not get out of bed though until 7 am. That is my rule, I do not get out of bed before 7 am. He can lay in his bed until that time if he wakes up before then. He does too. We had a quick breakfast and then I brought him to "grammers" house to play while I went to the gym. Then I went to the library, without him, it goes so much faster! Then Hunter and I met Auntie Amy for lunch and coffee. He feel asleep in the truck on the way from lunch to coffee. I took him out at the coffee shop and he woke up, but went right back to sleep in my arms. He was so tired! It was pretty precious. He has never fell back asleep in my arms that I can remember. Yesterday evening Hunter and I got to dog sit Trixie and Coco. Here are a few pictures of Hunter and the dogs. He was running around and around the island and they were staying out of his way.
Today it is a winter wonderland outside. Hunter and I had to go mitten hunting today. They just do not make gloves for toddlers, not ones that they could actually play in the snow with! We looked at 6 different stores. Finally found one pair at Sears, it was the only pair and it was mittens, not gloves. Very frustrating! Do clothing manufactures really think that toddlers don't play in the snow and get their mittens or gloves wet?! Anyways, that is my rant and rave for the day. Thanks for listening.
Posted by Susie at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter has arrived!
Yes, it is true. Winter has arrived here in Spokane, WA in full force! Friday we got our first snow for the winter. By Sat. sometime it was gone again. For the most part anyways. But the frigid air and wind has stayed. Yesterday it was a mere 8 degrees out with whipping wind. Today was suppose to be high of 8, but has been changed to 11! Whoop de do! Also the wind is still a whippin'.
Here are some pictures of Hunter helping dad shovel on Sat., before it was gone.
Posted by Susie at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
oh creative one...
Here are some pictures of some abstract art my son created the other night with his table and chairs. Mind you, he put these chairs on top of each other with no help. You will notice the top two are higher than he is. He got creative and stood on top of the couch to get the last 2 chairs on top of the others.
Posted by Susie at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Question for anyone with boys
So does anyone out there have any great ideas on how I can get my 2 1/2 year old to go potty in the potty?! I have tried everything! I have tried the reward with a treat when he goes potty in the potty. I have tried the reward with a treat for being dry, and then another if he goes in the potty too. I have tried the lets both go sit on the potty and go poop, after meals, and drink a juice box. I have tried Pull ups that turn cold when they pee in them. I have tried putting the training underwear on him and just let him pee in his pants and have it run down his leg! The reward with a treat works, but only when he feels like it. Has never worked for going poop in the potty though. The treat for being dry when we checked him worked for about half a day. Then he could care less and didn't even want me to check if he was dry. The lets both try to go works sometimes for pee, but we sit and we sit for poop and it never happens. Then 20 minutes later it does in the diaper. The Pull ups he thought were cool, but could care less about the coldness when he went pee. The training underwear, he just stood there and peed and looked at his pants as it soaked in and ran down his leg. Then said, "wet". I said lets go to the potty. His answer, "no". People have told me, he will do it when he is ready. Yeah, well I tells us when he is going to go poop. So think he is ready, he is just to stubborn and lazy, I think. His thoughts are, "Hey if I can just keep playing and go in my diaper and then mom or dad change me, that is less work." I'll do that!"
So anyone out there had a recent success story of potty training a stubborn, lazy boy?! Please inform me of your trick! Thank you!
Posted by Susie at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
my little shopper
Yesterday Hunter and I went shopping to the mall with auntie Amy. We were in Steve & Barry's looking at jeans for Hunter, because the ones I got there last week fit great! So wanted to get more before they ran out and went out of business. When you find jeans that actually fit little boys you try and get multiple pairs. Since they are so few and hard to find! Anyways, I was looking at the jeans busy trying to find Hunter's size when I finally look up to see what Hunter has been trying to hand me for the last minute or so. It was a hanger. He had taken a shirt off the rack and pulled it off the hanger and was trying to figure out how to put it on. He wanted to fit it on. I took the hanger from him and then looked at him. He holds up the sleeve and asks me if it is the neck hole. I tell him no that's the sleeve. So he finds the neck hole and proceeds to try and put it on, by the neck hole. I told him that that wasn't going to work and that he needed to put it on by the buttom of the shirt. I helped him put the shirt on over his shirt. He then proceeds to model the shirt, turning this way and that way. Then he asked me for a mirror. "Mom find mirror." So auntie Amy found a mirror for him. He stands in front of the mirror and turns this way and that way, looking over his shoulders and turning around. He even straightened the sleeve out, since it was a little bunched! Auntie Amy and I were dying laughing and really wishing we had a camera with us.
When we got home Amy and I were telling Jeff the story about it and Hunter demonstrated for his dad how he modeled the shirt. It was great!
Posted by Susie at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Finally Friday!
Last night Hunter decided to not go to sleep until after midnight. He wasn't crying out or anything, just laying in bed talking to himself and his animals. I had to go in and remind him to go to sleep twice before he finally did. This morning he was up at 8:30 am, not enough sleep! Today we had to bring the car into the car repair shop and then walk the 3 or so miles back home. We bundled up, since it was only 30 degrees out. Hunter got to wear his new snow boots and it wasn't until half way home on our walk that I realized that his boots were on the wrong feet. That would explain why he fell walking out the front door. Here mom didn't have any sympathy and just told him he needed to get use to walking in big, clumpy boots! Mean ol' mom! Luckily on our walk, he wasn't walking he rode in the stroller.
Once we got home we hopped in the pickup and went to Wal-mart for a few things. Boy, Hunter was a crab from then on. Needless to say he is now taking a good nap! And mom is relaxing.
Here is a picture of my cowboy taken today. It is the only one he would let me take!
Posted by Susie at 2:42 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Holiday Gift Suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. ~Oren Arnold
Posted by Susie at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Treat Dad day!
Today it was a treat dad day. Yesterday was Jeff's birthday, but he had a meeting for work all day. So we celebrated today. This morning we slept in! Then Hunter and I went to the doughnut shop and bought dad and Hunter a couple of doughnuts each. Then Hunter and I went to story time at the library. After that we came home and were home for about half an hour and then "grammers" showed up to watch Hunter while mom took dad out for lunch! Jeff and I had a peaceful lunch at Sawtooth Grill. Our table that they seated us at had a checker board and pieces on it. So Jeff and I got in a game of checkers while we waited for our food. After we were done with lunch we went across the street to Starbucks and had a hot chocolate.
Jeff worked tonight so he and Hunter took a nap after we got back. While I exercised on the bike.
Posted by Susie at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Big mess!
Here is a picture of what Hunter got the idea to do. He took everything off of and out of his shelves and threw it in a pile on his floor. What a MESS! He was pretty proud of it too. Of course he left the room as soon as mom started to clean it up and didn't help. Which was probably better anyways.
Posted by Susie at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Nuttin' New
Not much new in our household. Yesterday had Jeff's family over for lunch. Got to use our new table! Had 9 around it fairly comfortably and only had one of the end leaves in! Was so nice. Hunter got to show off on his trampoline to g'pa, g'ma, uncle Todd and auntie Amy.
Today I worked, so Hunter and dad hung out together. They actually did a little shopping I guess. This evening we went out for supper, since no one felt like cooking. Then we went to the mall. Jeff remembered that he needed to bring a gift to the x-mas gift exchange for work, on Wednesday. So he went the easy route and bought some chocolates. Well of course if you take Hunter into the chocolate shop you had better be buying him something! So he got a peanut butter, chocolate log. Then on the other level of the mall they had a See's candy display and were giving away free piece of chocolate. So needless to say Hunter got a chocolate coin from there also! He was a little wild this evening.
After the mall we drove around to see the x-mas lights, Hunter loves to find them and point them out. We found a street where every house had a lot of lights, about 8 houses worth of yards full of lights and one big tall pine with lights on every branch all the way to the top! Hunter kept saying,"Whole bunch, whole bunch!" He didn't want to go home after looking at lights, he wanted to find more. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't always get his way.
Posted by Susie at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Well Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful for us. Hunter enjoyed playing Mario Kart on the Wii at uncle Steve's. We of course had way too much food to eat. But then when don't you! The day after Thanksgiving I went shopping at 7:00am and bought Hunter a smaller version of the big outdoor trampolines. It even has the netting around it. Then later Hunter joined auntie Amy and I shopping, while Jeff went 4 wheeling. Hunter did pretty well shopping. He even got into it at Steve & Barry's and was taking boys shirts off the rack and holding them up to him, like mom had done, to see if they fit. He would hold it up and say, "No, no fit." or "Ya fit!" depending on what he felt like saying. It was pretty cute.
I am including a picture of Hunter and dad on Thanksgiving morning.
Posted by Susie at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wed. already?!
Well, well it has been a week! For the last couple of weeks have had a lower back ache and stiffness. So finally went and got a massage on Friday, I think it was. Boy, did he ever find the spot! Was on the mend it felt like. Then Sunday morning went to put things in the car and decided to go out the back door and down the deck with my arms loaded and slippers on. Needless to say the thin layer of frost on the boards and my slippers didn't go well together. *SLIP* I went, luckly there was a chair nearby grabbed for it, but not before wrenching my back and neck apparently. So I went and got another massage today and am hopefully on the mend again.
Mean while on Monday, after the morning fiasco, I lost my wedding band somewhere in the house. I hope. I thought maybe in the garbage, so put on latex gloves and went through the whole bag full of garbage. No luck there. I feel I have looked all over, but evidently not cuz I still haven't found it! I remember having it up to a certain point that evening, but then can remember after that point for sure if I had it or not. I never heard it fall off, so that makes me think that is landed somewhere soft or didn't fall far. I don't know!
Yesterday and today I have been bakin' and bakin'. Made a couple of pies, cuz not sure the first one is good. Made some eggnog bread, and the snacks with the almond bark. Hunter has been having to entertain himself and he is getting bored with it. When I announced the pie was done, he said "Done mommy?" As if to say are you finally done so you can play. Poor boy. There was still the bread to bake.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Just some pictures from the past to enjoy!
Posted by Susie at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 24, 08
Today was my day to work. They called to inform me before I left for work that my patient was in the hospital, but was to get out today, so could I please go in and help family with discharge from the hospital. I arrived at the house where I work and they hadn't heard when he would be coming home yet, but should here soon. So I cleaned up the room and put away supplies. Then after being there for an hour they got a call saying that he wouldn't be coming home till tomorrow instead. So I got to go home. Oh bummer. Haha.
On my way home I stopped at a grocery store to get a few things to make a snack for Thanksgiving Day. I planned to make the Ritz crackers with peanut butter in the middle, tipped in Almond Bark. Anybody out there not know what Almond bark is? Apparently lots of people at the grocery store don't, where they sell the stuff! I asked 2 different people and they both looked at me with confused looks. Granted one of them was a older teen, boy, but then he asked a young lady who didn't know what it was either. Then the other was an older lady. I thought for sure she would know, I was wrong. She called the people in the back who stock. They seemed to know what it was, but had it on a pallet somewhere and had to dig for it and would call the check stand lady back. I waited 5 minutes for them to call back and said forget it. Needless to say I went to a different store to get some. Where they actually had it stocked! What a concept!
After I finally got home from the grocery store Hunter and I took G'ma out for lunch at Applebee's.
Posted by Susie at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by Susie at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Wooden Bowl...
I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl -
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year
- old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred,
and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly
grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon
onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess,
'We must do something about father,' said the son. 'I've had enough of his
spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.'
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather
ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since Grandfather had
broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.
When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear
in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him
were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood
scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, 'What are you making?' Just as sweetly, the boy responded, 'Oh, I am making a little bowl for you
and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up. ' The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
The words so struck the parents so that they were speechless.
Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.
Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to
the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the
family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any
longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled
On a positive note, I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it
seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with your parents,
you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.
I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on
both hands. You need to be able to throw something back
I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you
But, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others,
your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you
I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly
pat on the back.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn
Posted by Susie at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Big helper
Last night Hunter and dad put together our new dining table. Hunter had a blast helping take all the packing stuff out of the box. Then he helped tighten the bolts on the legs of the table. After the table was all set up and moved into the kitchen, the boxes served as a hockey rink. Hunter has played around for hours on the box. Between picking at the cardboard and ripping pieces off with a pliers and skating around playing hockey it has served as great entertainment. Unfortunately it takes up the whole living room floor! But hey, that is a sacrifice I am willing to make for hours of wearing out.
Today we went to grapa and grammers house. Hunter had a lot of fun helping grammers bake and then playing around with her toys. While Jeff went 4 wheeling. Enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Susie at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This morning I was putting away some clothes in our bedroom and Hunter was playing by himself in his room just a talkin' away. Then he came into our bedroom and Peanut happen to be laying in her bed on the floor. He went over to her with the stuffed bear in his hands and made the bear pet Peanut and then he proceeded to talk to Peanut for the bear. He asked Peanut, "Hi, Peanut. Friends? Ya, sure. I nice bear." It was so cute, had to take some pictures.
Then he went to grammers (that is what Hunter now calls grandma) house while I went to the dentist. Now he is down for a nap.
Posted by Susie at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sorry, I can't respond to any emails today. Something has crashed on my computer.........and the mouse is missing.
Posted by Susie at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Today Hunter got to spend a little time outside playing in the leaves. I felt bad for him so let him get a little muddy and have fun. This morning we went to 4 different furniture stores looking at dinning tables. In and out, in and out of the truck and not much to do in a furniture store for a little boy. He did good though and one store had popcorn for browsers. Which popcorn is one of Hunter's new favorite foods. Then I took him out to eat for lunch. After we were done with lunch we went to one more furniture store and bought a table that I had looked at yesterday. So we now have a bigger dining table so we can fit Jeff's whole family! It's not set up yet, but we have it.
I am including a couple of picture with this of the rose plant my husband lovingly bought me about a week ago.
Posted by Susie at 3:04 PM 2 comments