Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunny spring

Yesterday and today have been beautiful, sunny spring days! Yesterday I went out in the afternoon while Hunter was suppose to be napping, and raked the front yard and the landscaping in the front. Then in the evening I took Hunter outside for a little while and I raked some more. Hunter wanted to help rake, so gave him a chance for a little while.

This morning I had a doctor appt. so Hunter and I went to that. Then since Hunter was a good boy at the doctor's office we went to a bakery and got him a cookie and I a muffin. I was looking forward to their almond crescent, but they were out already. This was 9:30 in the morning! For lunch uncle Ben and aunt Carissa came over. When they walked in the door Hunter yelled, " BENNNN!" Never mind that Carissa was the first one in the door. Hunter got Ben and Carissa to play a little indoor hockey. Now is nap time, but I hear quite a bit of talking and thumping going on in there. Oh well, guess he will at least get some quite time.