Monday, April 13, 2009


Well yesterday we had Easter lunch at our house with Jeff's family. Pretty uneventful.
Today Hunter and I slept in. We had some breakfast and then went to the hospital to keep one of our friends company while she waited for her mom to have a minor surgery done. Hunter kind of likes going to the hospital, cuz that is where dad works. We stayed there for about half an hour and then came back home. On the way home Hunter wanted to go to his work. I asked where he works and he told me downtown. I asked where and he told me he didn't know. Well it's kind of hard to go to somewhere that you don't know. He told me maybe just go downtown. Well we were already kind of downtown and I wasn't going to go downtown just to drive around looking for Hunter's work. So I told him that we needed to go home and that he doesn't have a job. Well then the wailing and nashing came. "I always go to work." I was informed. I then told him, no you don't ALWAYS go to work because dad or mom would have to take him and we don't ALWAYS take him to work. He told me he does too work. Well this went on and on all the way home. From then on till nap time nothing was right. I'm sure you can imagine how exasperating this was for mom!