Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mom poop!

This is what I heard Hunter yelling at me from across the hall this evening. Needless to say, he was in the bathtub taking a bath when he yelled this to me. I look over at him and he is holding something up in his hand for me to see. Yep, you guessed it, a piece of poop. I quickly go in there and tell him to put it down, only to find 4 or 5 more pieces just like it laying in the bottom of the tub with about 3 inches of nice warm water. I then drained the water and proceeded to pick the soft poop out of the tub with wet toilet paper. Wipe the tub down with Clorox wipes and rinse it out. Then put some more water in the tub so my son can finish his bath and get cleaned, again. Only to have him yell at me a minute later, "poop again. MOM!" At least this time there was only one little turd at the bottom of the tub. Needless to say after that bath time was over! I made him get out of the tub and we went to dry him off. As I am drying him off he says "I pooped in the tub." I said "Yeah, why did you poop in the tub?" He answer to me, "It goes". Meaning that's how it goes.


Bitzi said...

Oooh,PUHLEEEZE, thoothy! I was trying to eat my breakfast... :O